Watch "Justin Bieber - Apologizes for Smoking Weed : Saturday Night Live 2013 HD" on YouTube
This video that we watched in class was so funny to me. Justin bieber was caught smoking weed & apologizes & says it wont happen again . We also talked about how soon justin fans would eventually decrease . Justin is getting older and voice will soon change . My opinion anyway . I like justin bieber but I liked his music much better when his voice was smaller and younger. I also liked when he looked much younger and now he looks older .
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Justin bieber
Friday, April 12, 2013
Tattoos and piercings
Goodmorning , class the other day was kind of interesting . We were talking about tattoos and the reasonings for them. Some tattoos are appropriate and some arent . I defiantly think that too many tattoos on a female isnt really lady like expecially if they cant be covered . For example , face tattoos. Why do people put tattoos on their face ? Whats the point? Thats not cute at all in any kind of way. Me personally I have 4 tattoos and I regret every single one of them. They have no meanings , they werent done professionally and dont look too good. Tattoos also makes people look at you differently; tattoos all over a mans body makes them look really tough and sometimes a bad guy depending in what the tattoo is and say.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Pop culture essay
Goodmorning , yes im up at 2:30 am. Cant sleep for nothing. Well ive been going over my essays and im having trouble with this pop culture essay. I know it isnt that complicated but for some reason I cant seem to come up with a lot of stuff to write about.I was wondering if writing about how technology has changed a lot if things today and how back then people didnt use technoligy as much as we do today. Basically technology has taken over everything . Everything people do now adays it involves technoligy. Is that considered pop culture? I wasnt in class on the day everyone in sweeneys class wrote all the topics on the board so im kind of clueless and I was wondering if that was a good enough topic with more details. Can anyone give me something I can write about because im stuck and still havent started yet. HELP!