Saturday, February 23, 2013


We were having a discussion in class friday about no one  coming to class. And wondering why class was like nearly emty.I think professor Sweeney should defiantly start taking attendence & giving out more assignments . I guarantee if professor Sweeney starts taking attendence or even giving out assignments  I think people would start coming to class . Being that students know professor Sweeney doesn't take attendence they feel as if  it's not hurting them when it really isnt because everything we need to know and do is all on blackboard . Not saying that's a bad thing but proffeser Sweeney seemed to be curious about and so am I .


  1. I agree, i think b/c sweeney doesn't take attendance people take advantage of that. I do attend but there has been occasions where i didn't. If he became a little stricter on attendance there would definitely be a change

  2. This is very true, he is a great professor and students should stop taking him for granted.
